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Tattoo Removal Cream: Get Rid Of Your Old Art

Tattoo Removal Cream GuyGetting a tattoo is a momentous occasion because the art usually reminds you of a great
memory or the love of your life. However, when it comes to love, we must understand that sometimes, it can die a slow and torture-filled death. When this happens, you are left with a tattoo with the name or the face of the person you now detest more than anyone on Earth.

Tattoo removal is not an easy experience, for both the artist and the client. This is why most artists or dermatologists will go out of their way to remove the offending tattoo from the area while causing the client as little discomfort as possible.

Before we get to that, please understand that a tattoo is the product of tiny needle pricks that pierce the inner layer of the skin, otherwise known as the dermis. This process transfers ink to that layer where it is stored. Now, unlike the epithelial layer, which peels and changes, the dermis stays there, it is constant and although the tattoo may fade ever so slightly, it will remain there until you do something about it.

While laser removal is an effective option, the procedure will cost you so much more than you paid for to get the tattoo done, as most clinics will charge $400 to $500 per session. You may need several sessions over a period of months before your tattoos are removed or faded, and in some cases, the procedure can scar the skin or discolor it because of trauma.

So your cheapest option would be tattoo removal cream.  However, do they really work?  Lets see what key ingredients make up tattoo removal creams.

What Is Tattoo Removal Cream Usually Made Of?


Tricholoracetic acid or TCA, is the usual ingredient that manufacturers use for tattoo removal cream. This component encourages the skin cells to turn over at a rapid rate. This leads to peeling skin and the tattoo lightens over time. However, please note that it should be used as per directions. Using more than you should can cause pain, inflammation, skin irritation, discoloration and blistering.


Hydroquinone is another component used to combat stubborn tattoo pigments. This works by lightening the skin, as it helps reduce the production of melanin, which is responsible for pigmentation. These are often used in topical ointments for freckle or age spot removal. Thus, it is used in tattoo removal creams as a whitening agent or an anti-pigmentation assistant. However, please note that this component can lead to problems like blistering, redness, stinging and swelling. Once again, it would be wise to use the tattoo removal solution as directed, as using as much as you want can lead to certain skin problems.


Astringents may be used as well. The use of this component would be to remove any deep-seated pigmentation that may have loosened up. However, they are minor components, as TCA and hydroquinone do most of the work.

Kojic Acid And Vitamin C

Kojic acid is used in bleaching soap. It inhibits melanin production and it all helps slough off older skin cells to reveal fresher skin. Vitamin C on the other hand, is a known component that speeds up glutathione production and is used to whiten because of its acidic properties.

Green Tea, Lemon Extract and Aloe

Some plants may be used in the cream based on their benefits. These may be part of your tattoo removal cream because of their moisturizing and anti-oxidant purposes.


Licorice is a natural ingredient that may be added to improve the concoction’s whitening ability. This natural remedy is also used to treat discolored skin, in an effort to make the skin color even.

In a nutshell, tattoo removal is done with the help of chemical and mechanical exfoliation procedures that slowly peel off old skin to reveal the new one, in an effort to remove it.

Get Expert Help

If you plan on having your tattoo removed, whether by topical cream and/or laser treatments, make sure you seek out the expert help of a doctor who understands your concerns and is willing to go the extra mile to ensure that the procedure goes as smoothly as possible.

Once again, it would help if you followed the instructions, is this would make sure that you were applying the right amount for the area you want to clean up. You could consult with a dermatologist or a tattoo artist for any suggestions about products they trust. You might even want to ask them how long it would take for the specific area you want removed.

We cannot stress how important it is to remember that you may be asked to do a few sessions of laser treatment to remove most of the pigment before you can put tattoo removal cream. Some dermatologists may prescribe a few facial exfoliation treatments for the area of concern. This peeling procedure is called a pre-fading technique by most specialists.

Having your tattoo removed is an emotionally painful experience. This is why it is the job of the artist to remove the area as slowly as he or she can. This will prevent deep burns and blisters, among other things. With the help of a few laser treatments and/or tattoo removal cream, you can slowly make your way to cleaner skin, which you can use as the new base of your tattoo of choice, if you are interested in getting a new one. However, please note that most tattoo artists prefer not to utilize areas that have undergone treatment for the next few months, as the said locations are very easily damaged and inflamed.

Your skin is your body’s first layer of defense. This is why you should take care of it and keep yourself well hydrated and free from infection. Please note that the tattoo removal cream may cause irritation. So after the procedure, you will be asked to make sure that the area remains clean, as dirt in the area or nearby can lead to inflammation and other skin concerns.

Important Note: Always consult your physician before using any tattoo removal cream. The material provided on this website is for educational purposes only, and not intended to replace the advice of your physician.

Does Tattoo Removal Cream Work

tattoo removal cream guyTattoos have been around for a very long time. Originally used in tribal societies to indicate certain stages of life or passages, tattoos have evolved in modern culture. A tattoo is essentially a form of body modification that is made by using indelible ink that is inserted into the dermis layer of the skin by way of a needle. This ink then changes the pigment of the skin. Tattoos are meant to be permanent which is why it is important to truly consider all aspects of a tattoo before getting one. However, mistakes happen whether the tattoo is not done correctly or a symbolic meaning behind a tattoo is no longer relevant. This is where tattoo removal processes come into play. Unfortunately the removal of a tattoo can be long and drawn out and can be painful as well. There are multiple ways to get rid of a tattoo. Some people tattoo over the bad one allowing it to take on a new meaning, others have it removed by lasers. There are also tattoo removal creams out there that claim to help get rid of tattoos fast. So, how does tattoo removal cream work and does it actually work? These are important questions to consider before deciding how to get rid of a tattoo.

How Tattoos Work

Tattoos are not easy to get rid of and that is because of their inherent nature. Once the initial injection of ink has been made the pigment is then dispersed throughout the damaged layer all the way down to the epidermis and upper dermis. This presence of this ink activates the immune system because it is a foreign body. The Phagocytes of the immune system then engulf the pigment particles. As the tattoo heals the damaged epidermis then flakes away which ultimately gets rid of the surface pigment of the tattoo. However, deeper into the skin the granulation tissue forms. This then converts into connective tissue when collagen grows. The upper dermis then heals however the pigment from the ink remains trapped within certain fibers of the skin known as fibroblasts. The presence of the ink material is stable, however over time the pigment will migrate deeper into the dermis. This is why older tattoos look degraded. By understanding how tattoos essentially work you can gain a better understanding of how to remove them.

Tattoo Removal Cream

There are a plethora of tattoo removal creams available from a variety of places. Unfortunately a lot of these creams make claims and are unable to deliver on them. Tattoo creams are popular because it is the least invasive method for attempted removal of a tattoo. Usual tattoo removal processes include laser treatments which in addition to being considerably painful can also take a long time. A tattoo cannot be removed in one visit, so it is costly to go multiple times. Other methods include having tattoo overlay on the unwanted tattoo, however this can be expensive and in some cases may not even be possible. This is where tattoo removal creams come into play. Each cream claims to be the best and most effective. However studies and research have shown that no tattoo removal cream actually gets rid of a tattoo. Over time the cream may be able to fade the tattoo, but due to the nature of tattoos and the body’s immune system response that essentially leads to the immortality of the tattoo it is impossible remove with cream. The cream is unable to get down to the deeper layers of skin and penetrate where the ink material is still found. So, basically because the cream cannot get to the deeper layers of skin then it is unable to get rid of the tattoo. The fading cream may allow for a fading reaction of the tattoo as it permeates the epidermis layer of the skin. However, some creams can wreak more havoc as they can irritate, burn, and in some cases even cause scarring in the area.

To answer the question, does tattoo removal cream work? You need to have an understanding of how tattoos work in conjunction with how the removal cream works. So, because the cream cannot reach the deeper layers of skin where the ink is settled there is no way that the cream can get rid of a tattoo. However, this does not mean that the cream cannot ensure that the tattoo fades. If you truly want to get rid of a tattoo then you will need to consult a tattoo removal professional.

Important Note: Always consult your physician before using any tattoo removal cream. The material provided on this website is for educational purposes only, and not intended to replace the advice of your physician.

Tattoo Removal Cream Before And After

tattoo cream removal arm guyAdvertising is an all-powerful modern entity, particularly with regards to cosmetics. Miracle lotions and potions, particularly those that claim to remove tattoos, are particularly hot in the marketing world at the moment. Simply searching for the keywords “tattoo removal cream before and after” instantly brings up a long list of products that claim to get rid of tattoo ink in record time. This begs the question, “What do the before and after effects of these creams really look like?”

When questioning the efficacy of these creams it is probably worth considering the fact that tattoo removal creams are applied directly to the upper layer of the skin. As such, it is probably a bit of a stretch to expect them to penetrate the dermis. It is important to remember that tattoo ink is meant to last for life, and as such the ink is required to remain lodged somewhere “safe”. Tattoo ink is stored in the secondary layer of the skin, known as the “dermis”. This is well below the surface of the skin and therefore well beyond the reach of any topical creams.

This is not to say that these creams have no effect on the ink whatsoever. Taking a look at a few tattoo removal before and after pictures will show, at the very least, some fading. One of the most popular ingredients in tattoo removal creams is Trichloroacetic acid (TCA), a chemical that removes dead skin cells and prepares the body to regenerate a new, healthy layer of skin. The idea behind using this chemical in tattoo removal creams is that it fades away the surface layers of the ink, one bit at a time. Logically, this makes sense. Over time, a person’s “after photos” will probably show at least some fading. Unfortunately, this chemical is not designed to penetrate into the deeper layers of the dermis.

It is important to remember that any tattoo removal before and after photos will not show the desired results for the first few months. It can take up to a year for any noticeable fading to take place. It really depends on the quality of the ink, as well as the size and age of the tattoo. Over time, the tattoo may become so light that it is barely noticeable. Using these creams is almost always on a trial-and-error basis. It might not be an awful idea to try a few lotions until one seems to do the trick.

The after effects of using these creams may include itching, burning, and scabbing. This is to be expected since these lotions are designed to first break through the skin and then penetrate the first layer in order to remove the tattoo ink. The scabs created in the process often contain the ink that needs to be removed. Users often report that lighter inks are more easily removed than solid, dark lines.

In order to be sure that the right tattoo removal cream is being used, dermatologists should be consulted before trying out any new products. This is the best way to eliminate any unpleasant chemical after effects that could mar the skin. Without taking this necessary precaution the latter half of the before and after pictures could be disappointing.

Tattoo removal cream before and after pictures often show that the use of these products yields some results. Before purchasing any product, however, it is important to have realistic expectations. Fading of the ink may be a possibility, though it is probably that the tattoo may not disappear completely.

Important Note: Always consult your physician before using any tattoo removal cream. The material provided on this website is for educational purposes only, and not intended to replace the advice of your physician.

Tattoo Removal Cream Reviews

tattoo removal cream boyIf you have a tattoo that you want removed, the thought of the removal process can be disconcerting. The apprehension steams from a multitude of reasons, all of them valid, that include:

  • Cost
  • Pain
  • Effectiveness of the removal method

One of the more well-known tattoo removal methods being touted by companies is removal cream. But do they really work or is it more marketing hype than anything?

Tattoo Removal Cream Reviews

We scoured the web to find what tattoo removal cream products we could find as well as customer reviews.  Unfortunately, at this point in time we did not find one that jumped out that looked like the perfect solution or alternative to laser tattoo removal being embraced by consumers.  Tattoo removal cream product reviews were very sporadic and with mixed results.   Actually, while going more in depth, we noticed that some types of creams may actually be used by a physician in conjunction with laser tattoo removal.  In addition, we didn’t see any credible tattoo removal cream reviews that led us to believe that any of them are an alternative to other tattoo removal methods at this point in time.  We will provide updates as these potential solutions progress in the future.  If you find a credible source of data, we would love to see it.  Please send us a not on our contact us page.

Important Note: Always consult your physician before using any tattoo removal cream. The material provided on this website is for educational purposes only, and not intended to replace the advice of your physician.